God’s great plan…for children

After being informed by our local Liberian partners of the dire need for training of teachers who teach scripture in schools across Liberia, and after much prayer, consideration and planning, Core Training has embarked upon an initiative aimed at strengthening the Church in Liberia by training scripture teachers throughout the country. “God’s Great Plan…for Children”, as it has been branded, kicked off in August this year with our “Whole Counsel of God” course, relabeled “Knowing the Plan of God”. This is the first phase of several, that will take place over a 7-year period aimed at training scripture teachers in the Word of God, providing materials and curriculum for them and teaching them how to use the new curriculum effectively in their own context. Core aims to then train several teachers how to teach future teachers to use the curriculum, and aims to then hand over the entire project to local Liberian teachers in or around 2024.

Knowing the Plan of God – August 22 – September 2, 2017

The first course was held in August for the first half of teachers from schools in Monrovia at God’s Glory Free Pentecostal Church. Thanks to the great organizational skills of our local Liberian partners, the course was well-attended with participating teacher numbers varying from 80-105 on a daily basis, for the duration of the 10-day course. Participants included scripture teachers from Monrovia and those wanting to teach the scriptures in schools throughout the city. It was of utmost importance that the teachers were first grounded in the word of God, prior to receiving the curriculum next year, in order to be able to understand it correctly and to be able to answer any questions that the children might have. This course gives them the grounding they need.

During and following the course, many testified to the impact that the Word had upon them as they sat under the teaching throughout the 10 days. The teaching team were from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and demonstrated very clearly the diversity of the people of God, combined with the unity in love, Spirit and Word that the people of God have in Christ. It was clear that due to the lack of doctrinal teaching available, and because of the great spread of black magic and witchcraft, that many were being deceived by the lies of the devil. This course brought these lies into the light of the scriptures and dispelled them!

The course was aimed at giving the teachers an understanding of Biblical theology, of God’s chronological plan of salvation throughout the scriptures, of righteousness through faith alone in Jesus Christ and to give them a biblical platform to understand topics that are prevalent in the African independent Church today, such as prosperity, miracles, servant leadership, deliverance, and how their faith in Christ relates to their traditional worship of ancestors.

You can find the course on Sound Cloud here:

We plan to hold another similar course to the second half of teachers in Monrovia later this year, or at  the beginning of next year, depending on funds, and then two more courses – one in Lofa county and one in Nimba county, for those outside of Monrovia.